The new AirCharger unveiled at NSS
The Northern Shooting Show (NSS) at Harrogate, North of England is the first major show of the summer season and so we decided to unveil our new AC-1a AirCharger compressor there over the weekend of May 6th/7th.
Thousands of visitors poured into the showground - there were many folk who had made a day out of it while others had travelled from much further afield. We met people from near London, Northern Ireland and Scotland who had made long trips to be there.
The AirCharger (AC-1a) is a basic version of the SuperCharger, without some of the features which make the SuperCharger so super. However, it does come in at a super price of just £1299! The AC-1a caused quite a stir with various shooting magazines taking pictures, wanting details and asking for machines for review. NSS visitors clamoured for more details and we took orders over the weekend for several machines. We expect the new stock in by the end of this month, so not too long to wait!